• how does it work?

    It starts by drawing a pupil in the left eye - Once you’ve achieved your goal or wish, you get to mark your journey complete by filling out the other eye.

  • what is daruma?

    Daruma are Japanese talisman used to manifest luck in achieving a personal goal or wish. They are based on the story of Bodhidharma - who dedicated himself to 9 long years of meditation. So long in fact that his arms and legs just… fell off.

    Daruma have become a symbol of resilience in achieving your goals.

  • how are they made?

    Every Daruma is slipcasted and glazed by hand in San Francisco.

    No two Daruma are perfectly alike

  • what does it say on the front?

    福 or “fuku” roughly translates to “luck”, “fortune” or “perseverance”